Study Background and Purpose

The City of Las Vegas (City), in cooperation with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC), welcome you to the Northwest Las Vegas Traffic Study website. The purpose of this study is to develop a plan for transportation improvements within the rapidly growing northwest region of the City of Las Vegas to reduce current and future delay for travelers in the area.

Study Area Map showing the study extents within Northwest Las Vegas

The northwest region of the City of Las Vegas, bounded by Buffalo Drive to the east and Centennial Parkway to the south, has grown at an astounding rate. Over the last 10 years, 22 new traffic signals have been installed with an additional 12 traffic signals added in 2022. Looking forward, traffic volumes in the study area are expected to increase by 44% by the year 2040. A coordinated implementation plan is critical to keep up with this growth and help achieve the City's vision to provide equitable access to services, education, and jobs in the new economy.

View City of Las Vegas Master Plan

Study Goals & Partnership

The study intends to achieve several goals to accomplish the City's vision

Address and minimize current congestion and travel delays for motorists
Support future transportation demand
Safety improvements to support Vision Zero goals
Provide an adaptive implementation plan
Enhance multimodal transportation options
Integrate opportunities to improve transportation equity

To effectively achieve the study goals, the RTC and City of Las Vegas have partnered to deliver the Northwest Las Vegas Traffic Study and engage area stakeholders and residents to ensure a collaborative study process.

The Study Process

To develop the plan, the study team has evaluated the performance of the existing transportation network, including recently completed projects. From there, future traffic volumes were estimated to determine demand and performance under future 2030 and 2040 conditions. For each timeframe (existing, 2030, and 2040) bottlenecks and system limitations were identified, and solutions developed to address these concerns. This process includes scenarios with and without the planned Sheep Mountain Parkway, which is envisioned to connect the CC 215 with Kyle Canyon. The result is a phased implementation plan to keep the northwest moving for years to come.

Graphical representation of the study process, starting with 1, evaluate existing transportation performance, 2, estimate future traffic conditions, 3, identify bottlenecks and limitations, 4, develop solutions and strategies, and 5, create the phased implementation plan

The Study Timeline

The graphic below illustrates the anticipated study timeline

In the fall of 2021 the study began, in the spring of 2022 the existing conditions report was generated, in the summer of 2022 the future conditions report was generated, in early 2023 the draft plan will be generated, and in the spring of 2023, the study will complete

Be Heard and Stay Informed

The public comment portion of our study has now concluded. The feedback and comments received have played an essential role in shaping our understanding of the community's needs and priorities.